Aside from saying anything positive about the meeting, the leaders like Al Sharpton, along with most of the liberal media talking heads, is trying to portray the event as nothing more than a festival of hatred directed by Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin.
It is also safe to say that you will not hear what Dr. King's niece, Dr. Alveta King, told the Christian Science Monitor about Rally 8 / 12: "Definition of ourselves as red states or blue, liberal or conservative , minority or majority, have not yet reached the day when men and women are "judged not by the color of their skin but the content of their character." We're still running to this day. As Uncle Martin said "We can not go back.
When Beck and I join all gathered at the Lincoln Memorial this weekend, I will talk about my Uncle Martin and the America he imagined. I will talk about honor and character and sacrifice. I'll do come to those who represent the diversity of the human race. "
It is unfortunate that leaders like Al Sharpton and most of the liberal media, believe they have the exclusive "rights" to how, when and where the dream of post-racial "Dr. King's imagined world, and eventually died actually becomes a reality.

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