Beck himself is a hero to many parts of tea "," activists and a polarizing figure in his shows often attacks the Obama administration's policies. Sarah Palin is scheduled to speak at rally restoration of Honor, and she is very political - just look at what is happening in Alaska, where his endorsee Joe Miller for the Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski on the ropes.
party organization groups like Cato and tea Tea Party Patriots rally organizers are providing with the volunteer and logistical support. And Cato own Take Back America convention DC is scheduled for Friday night.
So everything is a tea party meeting, right? audience numbers and enthusiasm can be a good indicator of the strength of the entire movement.
Only it's not as Beck himself sees it, and that's not how he and other organizers are billing the event. They note that the Foundation held jointly with the Special Operations Warrior (SOWF), a charity that provides aid to education of the children of the deceased special operations personnel.
"This is a non-political event," says a road rally FAQ media.
The press release goes on to note that the organizers have discouraged attendees to bring political signs, political pamphlets, "I love the RNC" T-shirts, and other political paraphernalia.
"There are many opportunities to talk politics. This is not one of them," says the sheet media.
And the truth is a sign. information packets to people who have registered to attend flatly say no to display publicly embarrassing statements (as well as to bring the water and pack a lunch, and leave their firearms at home).
So what will happen in the event, then Beck and appearances with Palin? On the one hand, Alveda King, a conservative activist who is the niece of the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., is scheduled to speak. That may be in response to the fact that many civil rights groups have complained about the meeting, taking place on the anniversary of Dr. King "I have a dream" and in the same place - the steps of the Lincoln Memorial . Country music artist Jo Dee Messina is singing.
What Beck is going to say? That's not entirely clear, but if their promotional videos are any guide, it will involve holding heroes for our children to believe in what we can restore honor to an America that Beck thinks he's lost his way.
"I do not want my child [grow] to be president of the United States more because I do not know what that means more," says Beck at one point.
(That is not partisan, perhaps, but is it politics? That depends on the definition of the word.)
One thing that will not happen in the rally is an official appearance of a Republican elected official. Party groups are restricted in their statements about the event, given the reputation of Beck occasionally inflammatory rhetoric. (Obama is called a reverse racist, for example.)
"In general, people who come to Washington, to be organized and active is a good thing," said Doug Heye, a spokesman for the Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, the Washington Post. "But I have to be honest with you - I know of no case of Glenn Beck."
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