Beck said the demonstration was apolitical, but the speakers touched on a series of political cartoons during his speeches. Beck said the U.S. Has "wandered around in the dark" for too long, and suggested that we return to a lifestyle that was conceived by our founding fathers.
Sarah Palin, who also attended the event and told the crowd that he felt that "we must restore America and restore its honor." Palin is expected to be preparing for a career in 2012 at the President's office, but made no formal announcement regarding his intentions.
Beck said in his speech that "today the United States turns to God," suggesting that the country is changing towards a more conservative viewpoint. A number of civil rights activists have spoken out about the meeting, including the Rev. Al Sharpton, who said he thought Beck was distorting views king to align with theirs. It will be interesting to see how it changes the concentration compared with U.S. policy in the coming months.

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