Friday, March 21, 2025

Monday, July 19, 2010

Top secret america

Acting Director of National Intelligence by David C. Gompert issued a statement Monday morning (PDF) responds to a series of Washington Post "Top Secret" America, "Dana Priest and William Arkin.

The accounts did not reflect the intelligence community, we know, he said.

"We recognize that we operate in an environment that limits the amount of information that we can share," he said. "Nevertheless, the fact is, men and women of the intelligence community to improve our performance, disrupted attacks, and making progress every day, untold.

"In recent years we have reformed IC in ways that have improved the quality, quantity, regularity, and speed of our support, policy, warfighters and homeland defense, and we will continue our reform efforts. We provide supervision and encouragement initiative. We are constantly working to improve the effectiveness and dismissal, while retaining the intentional overlap between agencies in order to strengthen the analysis, challenge conventional thinking and eliminate single points of failure. We remember the size of our series the contractor, but appreciate the critical flexibility and skills they bring contribution to our mission.

"The challenges that lie ahead, difficult and complex. We will continue to examine our own work, look for ways to improve and adapt, as well as work with the Congress for its critical oversight and reform. We can always do better and we will do it. A the importance of our mission and our commitment to keeping America safe will remain unchanged, whether they are reflected in the news of the day or not. "

His statement was followed by the message last week from the ODNI its contractors (PDF), warning them that "early next week, the Washington Post, is expected to publish articles and interactive web site that is likely to contain a set of public institutions and contractor allegedly holds Top Secret work. ... We demand that all contractors ODNI remind all cleared employees of their responsibility to protect classified information and links, as well as to comply with contractual agreements regarding the non-advertising. "

State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security on Thursday also warned all workers in Washington - 14, 574 people - to "remain aware of its responsibility to protect classified and other sensitive information, such as the relationship between the Department and contracted companies, other U.S. Government agencies, and well as foreign governments "in the light of the forthcoming report of the post, according to a report in the foreign policy of the cable.

Foreign policy and national security, bloggers began chewing on the "Top Secret" America ".

Series shall cause all sorts of questions - both from taxpayers wondering where their money goes, and with opponents seeking to penetrate U.S. spy complex U.S., "writes Spencer Ackerman and Noah Shachtman of Wired blog risk study.

"But this part is much more than the U.S.," they continue. "It's about what used to be called Harrison States - the impact on society Praetorian-class war-oriented elites .... too many analysts and too many opportunities to document too much, too little filters, sorting out the useful things or discover hidden connections, information overload its blackout of information ".

In Racine, Wisconsin Racine Post notes that the name local outfit Perceptral "not much of a mystery. Its owner, Jonathon Pearl -" trained opera singer who moved with his family from California to Racine to start your own business "- won RAMAC in 2010 Apollo Award for new and innovative businesses and became known in business community for his work on sound technologies.
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