Friday, March 28, 2025

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Resentment toward government

To draw attention to the last article by Paul Joseph Watson, the authorities plan to drive phone calls and emails for signs of "resentment towards the government," Alex Jones has announced a new search term - Resentment toward government.
If alive today, would be the founders profiled as criminals resentment towards the government?
Watson draws attention to a symposium held in Hamburg, New York, which had the participation of federal agencies, police departments and others, and a system that trawl telephone conversations, emails and instant messages to detect "the resentment towards the government "has been proven. The system works by detecting "resentment in the talks through measurements in decibels and other voice biometrics, more specifically, the emotional peaks that characterize" the deep hatred and resentment towards the government. "
How many people express resentment toward the government? How many Americans show "the fixing of standards specified" after receiving a parking ticket or the 15th of April when the government requires a lot of paperwork to fill meaningless after a year of the confiscation of wealth at the point of gun?

The base of the American Dream is a deep distrust and suspicion of the founders of our nation had for the government. Distrust of government is expressed in the separation of powers Constitution and the need for checks and balances. According to the current government, however, such ideals are sedition founders and the founders were little more than terrorists.
According to a recent survey, only 22 percent of respondents said they trust the federal government "almost always or most of the time", while 56 percent said they are frustrated, if not resentful. About 43 percent said the government had a negative effect on their daily lives, a significant jump from 13 years ago when 31 percent expressed similar sentiments in the survey.
Government fears of all citizens who resent their monopoly on power. In April, the state of Texas responded in a predictable way when the CPS snatched the son of Austin area activists Barry and Candi Cooper for the crime of teaching the distrust of government.

The police and federal agents now assigned to the task of scouring the internet calls and your resentment towards the government faces an insurmountable task.
The NSA has conducted surveillance on the American people for decades. The false flag attack on September 11, 2001, gave the government and its legion of ghosts and the Bill of Rights saboteurs a blank check to increase this effort. The elite and faceless bureaucrats now create electronic records in the smallest expressing anger and resentment in response to tyranny.
We must draw attention to this criminal effort by the government of violating the Fourth Amendment and refuse our founding ideals.

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