Friday, March 28, 2025

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Google Spies

Analysis / writer / radio personality Alex Jones says that someone does not want his message in a conspiracy to be heard. Jones claims that someone hacked his account You Tube and tried to remove the video files, including his latest 'The Fall of the Republic. Previously worked "Obama Fraud" was successfully deleted hacker. Jones was making political documentaries for some time, and they are often surrounded by controversy.

The film, which mysteriously disappeared from the account Jone, which is called "Deception Obama" makes claims that Barack Obama and George W. Bush participated in a conspiracy to ensure that the New World Order. The new film "The Fall of the Republic, the documents for the first year of an Obama presidency and the takeover of the United States of America.

The sudden disappearance of this film raises some questions at a time when the Government calls for regulation of the content on the Internet. The news of this controversy continued to insist 'Fall of the Republican up to the people "must watch" list this week. Alex Jones produces a very popular and controversial website called and He also hosts a talk show, radio, which is syndicated for more than 60 radio stations across the country.
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