Monday, July 19, 2010

Sarah Palin 'Refudiates "Criticism Updates

Sarah Palin raised eyebrows, linguists, this weekend, when she called on Muslims "refudiate" controversial mosque - then defended her garbled English as Shakespeare.

A favorite right-wing Republican and possible 2012 White House candidate had used the word Sunday Tweet criticized plans mosque on Ground Zero in New York.

At first Palin appeared confused, delete messages on her page to Twitter and changing its call for Muslims to "disprove" plan, this time using real words, but the questionable grammar.

Her next update came in "refudiate", and now proudly proclaimed heir to the Palin as a literary genius, William Shakespeare and the Republican ex-president George Bush, known for his repeated screamers such as "misunderestimate."

"Refudiate", "misunderestimate", "Pi-wee'd up. English is a living language", Palin tweeted. Shakespeare loved to coin a new word, too. Got to celebrate it! "
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