Long emergence of the Joyner program will precede the scheduled press conference in the morning too. His spokesman, the art of Franklin, says the pastor "categorically and emphatically denies these allegations."
"There has been much talk since yesterday, but complaints have been lodged are definitely unfounded," said Frankin. "There has been much talk since yesterday, but complaints have been lodged are definitely unfounded."
As previously reported, one of the men, Anthony Flagg, 21, alleges in its complaint that it took long trips from one day to another half dozen U.S. cities in recent years.
"Long shared a bedroom and engaged in intimate sexual contact including kissing applicant Flagg, massage, masturbation, the plaintiff by the defendant Flagg sexual contact and oral long, depending on demand.
The other man, Maurice Murray Robinson, 20, claims long it took to Auckland, New Zealand, in October 2008 for their 19th birthday and oral sex with him, Robinson suit alleges.
"After the trip to New Zealand, over defendant regularly engaged in sexual contact, and other sexual acts with actor Robinson," is based on adapting to Robinson.
Audio and a transcript of the interview will be available BlackAmericaWeb.com (http://blackamericaweb.com) immediately after the discussion.
The Tom Joyner Morning Show, which airs in over 100 markets and reaches an audience of more than 8 million, has continued its role in ensuring that Black America is kept informed, involved and empowered to always move forward with stories that their listeners want to hear.

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