Google launched Google snapshot at a press event in San Francisco. Adding to the main search page of Google tries to predict what terms the user to search, and then the flow of search results in real time, depending on what other characters the user types.
But executives also said Google's technology will arrive instantly on mobile devices this fall, which will compete with Google shares "voice", which includes the ability to perform a voice search. And probably not a discrete application, an executive said.
"Android allows us to test what works and what does not work," said Steve Cheng, who is helping to build Google mobile search.
While the search for voice can take users to the correct search results quickly and accurately, assuming that the algorithm correctly understands the speaker, Cheng said Google will be instantly more appropriate in certain social situations, where users can or a search will not talk loudly, or when you're not sure how to pronounce a name, as the name of the artist Roy Lichtenstein.
According to Cheng, Google instantly work best through Wi-Fi, which is what he uses to demonstrate the technology on Wednesday. "It works very well in 3G, and not so well over EDGE" he said.
But fears of excessive bandwidth costs, especially overseas on plans meters, should be exaggerated, he said. "The Google search pages are pretty light," said Cheng. "In the grand scheme of things, the video] [data consumption is going to blow out of the water. And you can always turn it off."
Cheng shown instantly on the new Motorola Google Droid 2, an Android phone 2.2, which includes a sliding keyboard on the longest side. That's significant because it also makes the screen wider and shorter.
In the current view, Google also shows suggested terms in real time, without charge, in a single column of results. When you click on a term or entered, the results display in the user's screen without scrolling. Using Google instant search box moves to the top, and both the terms proposed and proposed results are also shown. Since Google has sold ads against some terms, this means that Cheng needs to scroll down in several terms before a relevant - and unpaid - search term shown. Cheng said the team's quality ads are responsible for deciding how to display the ads in a mobile context, Google instantly.
Instead of being delivered as a discrete application, like Google Search for Android Gesture, Cheng said the technology will probably appear first in the Android browser itself. "I would say that the technology will probably appear first in the browser, not the customer," he said. "If I were a betting man, I would say that the browser first."
On Wednesday, Google's vice president in charge of user experience and search, Marissa Mayer, said the Google technology snapshot is included in the desktop version of the browser in the coming months.

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