If you thought Google could read your mind, the search giant made official on Wednesday with the launch of Google instantly. "It's not psychic, but is very smart," said Otha Hansson, one of the Google engineers that developed the search mode again, before a crowd of press, analysts and Googlers in the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art am on Wednesday.
Part of what Google does is instantly predict search terms to be written. A single letter "w" could auto-complete to "time." Weather results, based on their location, then instantly appear on the search page - no hitting return or clicking the search button. "We can predict what is likely to bring you the kind and the results in real time," said the director of Google Search Marrissa Mayer. "It's a much faster search, a search easier, we can provide results in real time before they have had the opportunity to write your query."
As the name of "instant" suggests, Google is all about making your main product faster search. "Never underestimate the importance of fast," recalled the Google CEO Eric Schmidt people in a recent appearance in Berlin. According to Google the typical person takes more than nine seconds to enter a search term. It takes only 300 milliseconds to Google's algorithms to digest the consultation and its servers, to get results. In other words, people type very slowly and our poor accountability for most of the time it takes to do a search.

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