If you are unfamiliar with what happened (a term little to disturb PB), in short, Reggie Bush was accused of receiving gifts and benefits in relation to its role as a broker at USC. He won the Heisman Trophy in 2005.
Now, after its own investigation, separate from the eyes of the NCAA, the Heisman Trust has, for the first time ever, asked for his trophy to be returned.
Now, everyone from The LA Times blog about micro-Bush (just to be on the Google Trends, nothing more) to Famecrawler Talk has something to say about it.
All, except, of course.
If Reggie Bush, what would you do in response to the news that the Heisman Trust had asked for his hard-won behind Heisman Trophy? Consider the Heisman own investigation said Bush received gifts and benefits. But none of them hit their performance in the field that earned him the 2005 Heisman.
This blogger says Bush should appeal the decision. Too many college football players are used to generate income, then forgotten. Bush should take a stand. But that's me.

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