The Jewish New Year, or Rosh Hashanah, as a rule, a time when Jews reflect on their lives and actions, and try to identify errors they committed in the past year. Traditionally, people wrote down the sins they committed on scraps of paper, and let them float on the water. Today, the use of paper had been rejected because of environmental problems and people use the same bread.
The Jewish New Year helps people to introspect its past and to correct in the future. They apologize for their mistakes and ask forgiveness from those they have offended, we decided to make constructive changes in their lives and prepare for a sinless future.
The Jewish New Year marked by the sound of the blowing of a ram’s horn, known as the “shofar”, which should be a wake-up call for all Jews around the world. Some religious ceremonies are held in Jewish homes and synagogues. Good nutrition is also a very important part of Rosh Hashanah, apples dipped in honey is one of the most important points, which means hope for the New Year.
“Shana Tova”, meaning “good year” or “shana tova umetukah for” good and sweet year “the traditional greeting used by people on Rosh Hashanah. Jewish New year 2010 should mark 5771 years since the creation of the world, and Rosh Hashanah is considered by many to mention Adam, the father of the world’s birthday. Shana Tova, everyone!

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