Hearing was an emotional Jennifer Grey Dancing with the Stars break after the show to remember the death of Patrick Swayze, the actor who starred in the hit 1987 film "These Arms of Mine." She danced with her partner one of the themes from the movie and after her performance, she just broke on stage, remembering Patrick Swayze, who died from pancreatic cancer last year.When he told her dance partner Derek Hough: "It took me back to a time capsule, and I was with Patrick. I missed him." It was like you, young and beautiful. "For the live show Jennifer took the stage with a flowing blue dress, astonishing the judges and bagging the highest score of the night - 24 out of 30. 'Baby' is back where it belongs, "judge Bruno Tonioli said, referring to his character, adding:" I know somebody up there will be very proud of you.
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