Miller dominated the past-his-first Sakuraba, hitting him with shots before finishing him with an arm-triangle choke. Sakuraba was the first time it had taken place since his first MMA fight in 1996.
"This has been my dream all my life," Miller said later. "And I say to all, believe in yourself, and you can live the dream."
It was not much of a struggle - 41 years of age, Sakuraba really can not compete with opponents like Miller more - but it seemed a victory that meant a lot to Miller, who showed great respect before the fight Sakuraba, and so made while addressing the crowd, both in English and Japanese later.
Miller is known as the host of Bully Beatdown, and probably will be back in the United States fighting for Strikeforce early 2011. But the bigger question is what's next for Sakuraba. It is one of the greats of all time in this sport, but it might be time for him to ask if you really must keep fighting.

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