Www.apeamcet.nic.in, is an official website of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, which is abbreviated as Apsche. Engineering candidates for Agriculture and Medicine Common Entrance Test can see the results Eamcet 2010 seat assignment in Apsche website.
Candidates who gave their mobile numbers can easily get results on the allocation of seats in engineering. An SMS alert will be sent in the assigned course and university. For SMS alerts, the total 1.47 lac lac scholars have registered 1.6 are mobile numbers. From www.apeamcet.nic.in website, students can transfer their statement for the award.
Each year, Engineering Agriculture and Medicine Common Entrance is conducted by JNT Apsche through the University of Hyderabad. The test is conducted for admission to various professional bodies and architecture engineering and medicine offered in the state of Andhra Pradesh.Counselling EAMCET 2010 Engineering Award 2010:
* Total fees Coordinator Engineering seats were 184 000 (652 23 private colleges).
* In all EAMCET qualified candidates in 2010 were two of approximately 60,000.
* Candidates who attended the certificate verification was 1, 54 216 and 1, 52,651 participated in the Options web.
* The awards will be placed on web http://apeamcet.nic.in after 18:00 on 9/25/2010.
* Enter the ICR form number (registration number), number of room entries, password and birth date in the name of candidates.
* Download the order for the award and read the instructions printed and also download challan form for payment of fees.
* Pay fees if any, in any branch of Andhra Bank Bank of India.
* Report to the school assigned the date specified in the order of adjudication.
* Failure to report to the school assigned by the due date will automatically result in the cancellation of the seat and the candidate has no right in the seat.

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