If anyone doubts that we are headed for the Rapture, or whatever else the end will be called, simply take note of this:
Troy Polamalu of the Pittsburgh
Steelers had the hair insured for $ 1 million. The policy of the
Lloyd's of London was taken by the head and shoulders, which he supports. "As spokesman for the second year for the brand, head and shoulders fully recognizes the value and very thick
locks Samoa Troy, so [with] Lloyd's ... they have created the first ever to protect insurance policy for all its iconic mane the season in the NFL, "the company said in a press release.
Not a word about what would result in a payment. But as proof, Baltimore Ravens fans (I count myself among them) would be happy to have Ray Lewis to carry out some clippers when the teams meet on Oct. 3. That would be the REAL rapture.
Polamalu, a Pro Bowl player five times, has long hair as a tribute to his Samoan heritage.
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