Portsmouth Police officers will help direct traffic, but passengers are asked to follow the main roads and be warned of possible delays through the area between 20,000 and 30,000 people will attend. indirect signs address to the Spaulding Turnpike and other road signs must be followed.
Travel north on Interstate 95 are asked to exit 4 of the Spaulding Turnpike and then Exit 1 (Gosling Road). Turn left onto Gosling Road and then directly on Pease Tradeport. Follow the case of designated parking lots.
Travelling south on Interstate 95 heading take exit 5 Spauling Turnpike and then Exit 1 (Gosling Road). Turn left onto Gosling Road and then directly on Pease Tradeport. Follow event parking.
Doors open to the public at 8 a.m.
Advanced sale discount tickets are available through Friday, August 27 at http://www.bostonportsmouthairshow.com/. Tickets also will be available for sale on the site. Guests are encouraged to arrive early to avoid heavy traffic and hopes to find a seat near the flight line.
Guests are asked to limit their personal effects in the points just as essential. Awards The air show offered a variety of delicious foods and beverages for the enjoyment of pattern, while in the field. Water is available for free at several places. Food is not prohibited from carry-in, but should be wrapped in clear plastic and is not contained in a cooler. Tailgating is not permitted on the property of the air show, and guests can not park recreational vehicle parking areas to the air show. In order to ensure that guests feel comfortable and enjoy the show, chairs, blankets, umbrellas, etc. are allowed inside the entry area of seats in general. Umbrellas must be a reasonable size, and only hand-held umbrellas will be allowed.
Although temperatures are expected to be very comfortable throughout the weekend, guests are encouraged to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. The forecast also calls for sunny skies all weekend and visitors are reminded to bring and apply sunscreen during the day to avoid burns.

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