Scott, as a wealthy businessman health, spent more than $ 50 million (over $ 38 million of them his own) to make war on Attorney General Bill McCollum has been declared winner by the multiple media, the leading 46% to 43%. McCollum has led in most polls in the week leading up to Tuesday.
But the campaign got ugly long before Scott won, and his numbers have been affected because of it.
As Scott tried to associate with McCollum accused former Republican Party of Florida Chairman Jim Greer, McCollum played a Solantic fraud claim against a health care company co-founder Scott, calling Scott to release a transcript of a statement he gave in demand. Scott's old company had paid prior to 1.7 billion U.S. dollars in penalties from Medicare.
Attacks have damaged Scott McCollum for the general election? It's hard to say.
While the voting public policy (the only pollster to get this right the primaries) indicates that the index Republicans 46% Scott 33% favorable and unfavorable, Quinnipiac shows a very different picture from 31% favorable and 40% unfavorable.
"Whatever [] Republican candidate emerges basically very battered and bruised leaves and almost toxic to the general, a Florida Democrat said Tuesday night before Scott had sealed the victory.
Scott trails Democrat Alex Sink, both Quinnipiac (33% to 29%) and Mason-Dixon (40% to 24%) surveys, PPP has not issued any general survey of the recent elections. Despite the animosity brewing between Scott and the Republican Party of Florida during this campaign, says RPOF support as the Republican candidate. Bud Chiles Independent candidate polls in adolescence as a wildcard.
Despite Scott may have suffered bruising, which is something every candidate after desires: money. And much of it. If he is willing to continue pouring his own money into the campaign, Scott will be able to grow the state with television, radio and direct mail through the general election.
In some ways, the story of Scott general election is similar to Linda McMahon in Connecticut: a candidate who is vulnerable to attack, but his personal wealth makes him even intimidate the Democrats.
If the vote and the money from Scott are any indication, the election for governor of Florida will be close.
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