It may be days before state election officials to decide the race. As of Wednesday morning, Mr. Miller - an attorney who matched his endorsement of Sarah Palin against Senator Murkowski name recognition and the advantage in campaign cash - has maintained a narrow 51-49 percent lead . But absentee ballots can close that gap, and not be fully counted until early September.
In general, there was an insurgent candidates up and down day on Tuesday. In addition to the Alaska vote, voters in Florida GOP primary for governor elected for the first time a candidate on the Republican establishment choice.
That newcomer, former executive health care Rick Scott, had been dogged by questions about some of their business. But he pumped more than $ 30 million of his own money into the race prevailed over Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum, a veteran of the state policy may have seemed a bit worn around the edges to the voters of Florida.
But the status quo failed in Arizona, where Senator John McCain won easily over his fellow Republican rival JD Hayworth. Early in the election cycle, Senator McCain appeared vulnerable to challenge Mr. Hayworth main from the right. But McCain has not survived in national politics for so long dithering. He brought Ms. Palin to campaign for him, in essence, saying: "Who is the real rebel in this race, cowboy?", And ultimately cross to victory.
Of course, McCain spent $ 21,000,000, largely on television ads, did not hurt.
The choice of setting also prevailed in Florida, closely followed the Senate Democratic primary. Representative Kendrick Meek of insurgents easy Jeff Greene, a wealthy investor whose yacht and the alleged party lifestyle, apparently did not sit well with voters of Florida.
Meek's victory creates what promises to be one having to do the general election, and will be measured against the winner of the GOP primary, tea party, supported by Marco Rubio and Gov. Charlie Crist, who is running as an independent . Governor Crist is locked up in the Republican Party earlier this year after it became clear that this could lose the primaries to Mr. Rubio.
If he ends up losing Murkowski in Alaska, which would be the third senator holder fall season this year's primaries. The other two were Sen. Robert Bennett (R) of Utah and Sen. Arlen Specter (D) of Pennsylvania.
Additionally, four House incumbents lost primary bids so far - the representative Alan Mollohan (D) of West Virginia, Rep. Parker Griffith (R) of Alabama, Rep. Bob Inglis (R) of South Carolina, and Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D) of Michigan.
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