Who is Don Draper?
That's the question that opens the season Mad Men "Four, and the question Don asked the journalist to Advertising Age interview on commercial SCDP Glo-coat which is proverbial. A man with a big to hide, Don frightened by this parsing and clams up, demurring that Midwesterners do not think it polite to talk about himself. His reticence and blocked to disrupt the journalist. As a reporter gets up to leave, the prosthesis reveals him as a veteran of the Korean War, as the Don. But true to form, Don keeps this community and themselves.
SCDP is currently in the business year, and a very successful year this was mainly due to the Don Draper, who is now even hotter property. When he presented to clients, their faces light up as if they too were with Glo-trimmed coat. Pete works hard to build new resins account, this one with two members of the family, which owns Jantzen, swimwear companies. They want to figure out a way to advertise their two-piece swimsuits, bikinis without naming them, and their relationship with "bikini in the gutter" reputation. Rather tricky problem, sounds like a job for Don Draper.
We have shown SCDP in posh new offices, which are bright, with lots of glass walls and fashion, ideally in 1964 SCDP logo on the wall of the vestibule, which contrasts with the traditional "Stirling Cooper letters, which were used to hang in the lobby of the old plank of the firm.
However, Bertram grouse about the bureau, saying that they are too closely, and refuses to go along with the charade Pete tells the client there is a second floor. Pete, on the other hand, buzzing around, bright as a penny and seems to positively enjoy the role SCDP as "scrappy upstart."
Pete thoughtful, that the account Sugarberry Ham loses confidence in the SCDP, as follows from 1 if they could send the entire office for Thanksgiving. Peggy circuits up to a publicity stunt to make the customer happy: hire two actresses to fight for a jar of ham in a grocery store, Queens, as well as get the story in the newspaper. Pete agrees, and it is called Casting. They agree not tell Don, a decision that will come back to bite them.
As he always does, Roger cares about Don. Just thinking about the fact that Don is out of hours makes him sad. It seems that after his own painful divorce, now he is a happy family man who wants Don to be the same. He invites you to Don for Thanksgiving, but Don says that plans. Then Roger Don sets another Jane's Bethany, "Mt. Holyoke girl", to make reservations for them Jimmy Lagrange, known for his Chicken Kiev, "oil bubbles everywhere!
If you're wondering where you've seen as far as Bethany, my editor here Frothygirlz, Shannon knew her as Anna Camp, the actress who plays Sarah Newlin, the wife of the Rev. Steve Newlin, on True Blood. Ring a bell? It is rather silly young thing, but it looks as though we see her again as she offered Don a visit to the Opera House, where she works as a statistician, that is, the additional stage. At least, Bethany is smart enough not to let it show, Don to his room. What could not Barbizon, in any case. It was staying single girls from good families, and no men were allowed to lobby in those days. I even knew a girl who lived in Barbizon in 1990 and no one man rule still applied to some floors. Although what I say, smart enough ... I'll let Don to show me to my room and speech. Whew! Bethany makes reference to one another, who was killed in the civil action on human rights in the south of the country, gives us a rare in the world outside SCDP.
Oh, and Don bachelor apartment is located on Waverly and sixth. Interesting addresses for the corporate people in 1964. Certainly, as we know, Don is not your average business man.
Harry returns from Los Angeles with the ridiculous tan, happy Jai Alai special he sold to ABC. He can not wait to break news team and asked Joan to keep it secret. But poor Harry never gets his chance. Roger article Advertising Age, and this disaster called "The Man from the City With No Name", and referring to Don as "beautiful cipher." Not the way to win customers. In fact, Jai Alai called, upset that he was not mentioned in the article. They go, making Lucky Strike 71% of business-SCDP, as Bertram said, unacceptable situation. When Don says, defensively, that his work just do a good job, Bertram corrects him: His job is, in turn, success in new business. And it failed miserably. He advises him to call WSJ and give a good interview. This is the only way to combat this bad, but Don is turned off, muttering that he did not know what he might do differently.
Betty and her children in the family of Henry Francis for lunch. When the mother of Henry Francis wants to know why Sally does not eat, Betty shoving a spoonful of yams in the mouth, causing her gag on the table. Betty pushes her out the door, and you hear the cry of the poor Sally, "" Stop pinching me! "This is a loving mother, Betty.
And what about Don on Thanksgiving Day, you ask? What were the plans he told Roger about? Prostitutes, it appears, who is on her way to her parents for dinner ... then a nice touch. Families girls. She took home to dark and dreary apartment Don before, and knows exactly what he wants to be slapped, hard, and repeatedly, while she rides him. So the truth of life outside the office of Don even sadder than the thought of Roger.
Coital sleep after Don interrupts a phone call from Peggy. Her trick is having the opposite effect. Two women who were paid to fight because of the ham in a grocery fought for real, and now it is one pressing charges against the others. She needs $ 280 in cash, $ 80 to save a woman from prison and $ 100 apiece to keep the two quietly. Don does not like it, and scolds her in the corridor. He does not approve this kind of tricks (ah, that he would think about viral advertising today?).
Returning home, little Sally tries to call dad to wish him a Happy Thanksgiving, but it means reducing it from Betty and orders her to bed. She says Henry Francis, she will have to disable the hallway phone so that Bratti her daughter can not just up and call her dad when she wants. Home will be scared of her cruelty, Henry Francis tells her that he was "too full" for sex, leaving Betty disappointment.
As if that were not enough, when Don arrived to pick up the children for the weekend, Betty had sent the child away, so she and Henry Francis may be one. It is a pity if Don would like to see him. Could it be more evil and selfish? It's all right to Henry Francis, however. They have car sex before they even get out of the garage.
The next night, when Don returns children, he must wait for Betty, who later returned from the trip. It is rude to him, as always, and he tells her that she must leave the house, that she decided to do a month ago. Although his accountant advised him to do so Don had no intention to do so until the hurt, cold behavior Betty.
The great thing hams arrived in the office. Sugarberry happy. Newspaper articles, drove ham sales. Ham for All! Peggy and Pete are ecstatic. They can not tell the client what they did, but they can benefit from advertising. Peggy's dream to tag line: Ham worth fighting for. Don is still not satisfied, and scolds Peggy. This is not the kind of work they want to be known. He also tells her that he did not want her there at an important meeting Jantzen: "It is better not to have a girl in the room.
Peggy considers it evil. In her exit, she turns and says to him: "We are all here because of you. All that we want to do is enjoy it.
Henry Francis at the mother, helping her to clean the dining table leaves for dinner. She disapproves of Betty and how it relates to children. "They are afraid of it."
Presentation Jantzen's a catastrophe. Announcement of the Don is a miracle of provocation. Tags line across the chest latitude girl is "so well built, we can not show you on the second floor." All this makes it virtually Jantzen father and son attack his heart. They wanted a healthy two-part swimsuit ads! This increases sales! Never mind that this is impossible.
Don runs out in rage. He cried for a couple of Jantzen to get the hell out of his office. Enough groveling for a stupid bill. Enough with the anti-Y and R 6 floors creative. It calls WSJ.
In the last scene, he is in the same restaurant as the first, giving a charming, anecdote filled with interviews, spinning gossamer tale as only he can do (arguing, for example, that currently occupies three floors SCDP), which you know restore the reputation of SCDP.

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