According to Police Amy Locane Bovenizer smashed her SUV into the passenger side of a sedan while she was driving drunk on Sunday night in Montgomery Township, N.J around 10 miles north of Princeton. The driver was hospitalized in the critical condition while his wife Helene died at the spot after the collision.
The responding officer reported that Amy Locane Bovenizer’s eyes were bloodshot and glassy and her speech was slurred when she was arrested and taken to University Medical Center in Princeton, where a blood test of Amy Locane Bovenizer was taken.
According to an eye witness, prior to this fatal accident Amy Locane Bovenizer was found in a hit and run when she rear ended a car at the Princeton intersection and when people tried to call the police she drove away from the scene while other driver followed her and told the police that she was swerving many mailboxes before she crashed her SUV in sedan.
The police said that Amy Locane Bovenizer later in the day admitted that she has had downed many glasses of wine before her driving. Amy Locane Bovenizer is facing charges of vehicular homicide and assault by auto and she could get at least 10 years in prison if convicted. Amy Locane Bovenizer is a mother of two and her husband Mark is a WINE SPECIALIST.

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