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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Case Of Jacob Wetterling

Stearns County Sheriff’s Office has converged on the area with earth moving equipment near the place where Jacob Wetterling was abducted in 1989, Patty Wetterling said today.
“I have informed this morning,” she said while attending a seminar at the University of Minnesota in the afternoon to prevent sexual violence. “I told him about the search, but other than that I do not know anything.”

Seeing several unmarked police Wednesday morning in the property. Aerial photographs of St. Cloud Times showed as many as 17 cars, SUVs and trailers on the property.
Deputy Chief Bruce Bechtold Stearns County Sheriff’s Department said he was limited to the courts to comment on the investigation. The order, according to him, issued by Judge Stearns County on Tuesday and today.
“All I can tell you, we conduct research in the field of St. Joseph, and the details of this investigation is limited by the courts,” said Bechtold.
He provided no details.
FBI ‘support search operations in this area, “said C. Wilson, representative of the FBI. Around 5:45 pm, he said he did not know if the area has been secured for the entire day and said that he expects operations to continue to support the FBI on Thursday.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has “some people on the ground” in St. Joseph today, working in support of the sheriff and the FBI, “said Bob Lowery, executive director of missing children division. He said that the center was a nation “and of St. Joseph’s regularly over the past many years.”
“We have always supported any new versions, but we do not want to provide false hope,” said Lowry.
Jerry Wetterling, Jacob’s father, said at the end of this week: “I do not really want to get into any specific suspects or people, because I really do not know what is happening there. I just know there are a lot of activity.
“When I drove to work this morning, there were five or six squad cars this way, and I was extremely surprised.
Jerry Wetterling said earlier results had never cooked from.
“There were leads that were pursued aggressively for several months at a time,” he said. “There were over 30,000 leads in this case. … I just know when they have no leads in the past, law enforcement will do everything they think they need to continue, especially lead. We’ve just been so grateful for all the interest and support, people helping and trying to figure out what really happened to Jacob.
“We kind of learned how to survive, we can not get too high or low on any specific leads,” he said. “Otherwise, we would have the emotional wreckage.
Stearns County Sheriff John Sanner said the St. Cloud Times office of district attorney told him that the court order prevented him say why investigators in the residence.
Sheriff’s Office squad car parked at the entrance to the road.
Property owned by Robert and Rita Rassier. Rita Rassier hung up when contacted by Pioneer Press this afternoon. Robert Rassier is 85 and Rita Rassier 81. Daniel A. Rassier, 54, lists the same address, and St. Joseph Township treasurer, in accordance with the Web site Stearns County.
Anna Reischl St. Joseph Township clerk, said Daniel Rassier is one of the sons of Robert and Rita Rassier and lives in the house with them. A pair of retired farmers and Daniel Rassier is a group of teachers, “she said.
“It’s just incredible view, because it is one of the best families,” said Reischl search occurs on the property in Rassier. “They are very caring people.”
Former St. Joseph Police Chief William Lorenz said that he had only good things to say about Robert Rassier, with whom he had known for decades. He said that he was never a suspect.
“He was very hardworking farmer at the time, and a very strong Christian,” said Lorenz. “He goes to church, I think, in the day.”
Jerry Wetterling said he often shares neighborly waves with Robert Rassier on his way to work this morning, as the senior man picks up mail at the end of his house, but he was less familiar with Daniel Rassier.
“This is their journey, where Jacob recent steps were seen,” Jerry Wetterling said. “This is the latest data of Jacob, are in the area, was there. I’m guessing that is why the activities going on there.”
Lorenz, who was police chief of St. Joseph when Jacob was abducted, said he knew nothing about the latest research. He retired from the police years ago, with the Wetterling abduction was still hanging over his head.
“I hope they find something,” Lorenz said today. “(I) always looks forward to having good news about something, but nothing develops. I just wish them good luck.”
Lorenz noted that for many years, credible leads in the kidnapping Wetterling rare. “Not as often as we would like them,” he said.
Jacob Wetterling was 11, when the mask was abducted on October 22, 1989, near the entrance to the staircase property.
“When that happens, it only upsets the stomach,” Patty Wetterling said today, referring to the attention of the media and the search themselves.
Lawrence Nichols, Eagan-based lawyer, who was a neighbor children, Patty Wetterling, said the burden of proof necessary to excavate private property was no more than doing the typical police search your home or office.
“You just need a search warrant. … Have you ever seen” Cops’? They may enter with a sledgehammer. … The most egregious one I’ve heard, the case when they smashed the side of a building with a front-end loader, “said Nichols.
“They need probable cause to obtain a warrant and probable cause is basically” it is likely, fruits, evidence, or instrumentalities of crime can be found here, “he said.” This appeal of a judge. ”
Last clear lead in came in January 2009, when news broke about the man Milwaukee with a possible connection with the case of Jacob. Vernon Seitz, who confessed to killing two children in 1950 and died in December 2008 found that the newspaper clippings and photographs of young Jacob, along with child pornography and books about cannibalism in his home.
But Milwaukee police said they found no connection between the abduction Seitz, and Jacob, or any other child abduction. Stearns County Sheriff John Sanner said in January 2009 that his agency is working with Milwaukee police and decided that there is no reason to believe Seitz participated in the abduction of Jacob.
The fate of Jacob Wetterling, who will now be 32, remains unknown. Jacob’s most famous missing child case in Minnesota.
He was with his brother and friend, when he had just been kidnapped about half a mile from his home in St. Joseph in central Minnesota. The gunman came out of the woods and disappeared along with James, who had never heard of.
Jacob’s name has become synonymous with missing and vulnerable children, which leads to the formation of Jacob Wetterling Foundation, his parents, Jerry and Patty Wetterling in 1990. Patty Wetterling has twice been a candidate for Congress, losing to Republican Mark Kennedy in 2004 and Michelle Bachmann in 2006.
The foundation, which later became the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center, merged with the National Child Protection Training Center in February and his staff led community sex offender notification forums, in particular, efforts aimed at raising awareness about child sexual exploitation and abduction.
Wetterlings organized a children’s concert last year at the College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the disappearance of their son.
Patty Wetterling in the last year, wrote and published a book, “Hope of Jacob,” which she said was aimed at helping their grandchildren to understand what happened to their uncle.
Interview Pioneer Press in October, Patty Wetterling said she remains the same as all dumbfounded how such crimes could occur in a small town in America.
“We do not know what happened,” said Patty Wetterling. “It’s just a whole bunch of” We do not know. There’s no such word as “closure. Answers. We need answers.”
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