Saturday, October 2, 2010

USA People Voice For One Nation Rally

The Mall of Washington DC, the George Soros funds the Tides Foundation is a nation held today working together Rally at the base of the Lincoln Memorial. Also known as "10/02/1910", imitating the successful 28.08 Rally in the hands of Glenn Beck, the One Nation Rally was sponsored by some 400 groups. Attendees came from important unions such as SEIU, the AFL-CIO and American Federation of Teachers, along with hundreds of other organizations ranging from the Center for American Progress to the U.S. Communist Party. A concentration difference of Glenn Beck, where more than 500,000 people gathered to hear speakers such as Sarah Palin, it seems that around 150,000 have come together to beat a defender of capitalism and greater gun control. Protesters promoting progressive policies to participate in the Group One Nation Together rally on the National Mall in Washington October 2, 2010. REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLICY civil unrest)
The Rally of One Nation Distinguished speakers from trade unions and groups like La Raza, the Sierra Club and the PFFLG - Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. The event theme is dissatisfaction. Progressives are satisfied with the state of the nation. They want America to be rebuilt.
But while these liberals wield their tired, worn out slogans of "jobs, justice and education", not offer solutions to pay the piper. The union plans fat pension, health care for all networks and a myriad of social security at a price that keeps getting bigger and bigger. The U.S. Federal Government already have an 'on budget' debt burden of the $ 14 billion. Add to that the lack of state and municipal governments, as well as deficiencies in the pension plans of public employees leads to nearly $ 20 billion.
Then comes the gray mist hell unfunded mandates, commitments and contingencies. It is estimated that somewhere between one trillion additional $ 70 to as much as $ 120 billion. All of which is a burden for future generations.
Economist Peter Morici of the University of Maryland, recently wrote "The Decline of the 2010 election" because of his blog (see below), which paints a bleak future prospects of America. He does not believe that the Republican Party or Tea Party, you can reverse the decline of the country. Morici blames both Democrats and Republicans of our current ills. Its objective viewpoint presidents Clinton criticizes Obama through the mess that we face.
Morici reduce the problem to four key elements. Our health system costs a lot, 50% more than socialized medicine in Europe. Wall Street and the banking sector are too greedy. China has been too much of a free hand to dominate our economy. And we're very far from a solution to the transfer of oil and fossil fuels.
At the heart of each is the corrupt alliance between business and our federal government. Greed and power have gone mad. This is now filtered through lower levels of the food chain, such as unions of government employees. The average worker earns dual government of a private sector counterpart. A smaller percentage of private sector workers have great pensions and job security even government workers. We are seeing now in Europe the result of these economic shifts. Much of this week saw the violence and angry protests by government workers now facing a reduction in wages and benefits in many European countries. An attempted coup in Ecuador this week was launched by police and soldiers angry, upset by reducing wages and benefits that are submitted.
Some say that the capitalist system has failed. Economic development of this relaxation is a direct result of deregulation and greed. But even Morici acknowledges the roots of our despair are in political policies, such as giving Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, speakerphone than the market value of the home. Allow China and oil sheikhs to feed the bubble mortgages excessive buying bonds and derivatives.
The mood in the U.S., let alone most of the rest of the world is getting uglier. How long before we see the kind of demonstrations and violence that occurred in Europe this week? Who will step forward with solutions to solve our massive debts and instituting a gradual relaxation of social programs and obligations?
Do not bother looking in the groups that attended the nation a joint rally today. They are calling for more spending, more incentives, more government and more gun control. The Rally of a nation can not have the numbers of 8 Glenn Beck / 28 did. But then they have Sarah Palin as a speaker, and Glenn Beck as host. The best I could do at the Lincoln Memorial is to bring the killers of the AFL-CIO and the most frivolous-radio show host on the air, Ed Schultz. Lacking the base of the tea party, the Rally of a nation relies instead on the sinister octopus groups funded by George Soros.

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