"If I'd beat his ass once again that Barack Obama has become," is the father of Tyler, Perry said in response to their truth comes out a few years ago.
Tyler also spoke about a man who molested him and another who did the same - horrible acts performed on him as a child.
And then there was a woman wearing underwear and attracted Perry to have sex with her when she was only 10 years old.
Perry opened his heart screamed and Oprah both brought tears to my eyes last night when I saw the show.
I am very grateful that Perry came out with this truth, God is using him to help so many people who have unfortunately experienced the same. Even those who do not, He is helping us.
Oprah told Tyler to go to a happy place in your mind when beatings or sexual things was going wrong - but once said he tried to go to the park with green grass, but could not return.
Perry felt he could come up with this now that his mother has died - a woman who said she was very passive, not as his aunt "Madea" was in the audience, and spoke of taking a gun that Tyler's dad.
The show was amazing, and I pray the best for Tyler after this revelation. God bless you indeed.
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