Friday, March 21, 2025

Monday, October 18, 2010

Princess Leia In Star Wars

As anyone with fond memories of terrorizing her sister with a "sword" made of PVC pipe, I hope to spend my affection for Star Wars for my children.
However, when my first child, celebrated its first birthday last month, I resisted the temptation to decorate the cake with Ewoks, Jawas or the decapitated head of Jango Fett.
Instead, we went with the idea of my wife, "sissies."
Okay. My daughter has a book about ants that she will stare for 15 seconds before inserting it into his mouth - the equivalent of a careful child.
Halloween is a time completely different, however.
It is the only day set aside to satisfy your inner geek - or, if you are 29 inches high and can not discuss his father's inner geek.
All of which means that I have spent recent weeks in search of the perfect Star Wars costume for someone who will probably resent me for it later.
Yoda is an option. The Jedi master is small, after all. He also often speaks as someone who is beginning to understand the concept of language.
Princess Leia, however, is my first choice - and not just because she gave me an excuse to dress up as Darth Vader (spoiler: Leia is the daughter of Vader!).
Leia is also a positive role model for women: strong, intelligent and able to fend off the advances of the "bad guys" who keep dogs giant, vicious as pets - at least until the second half when so hot Han Solo and Chewbacca.
My wife, who does not know Return of the Jedi Revenge of the Sith, objects.
States that do not even like the latest film. (That's true, but Star Wars fans are nothing if not dedicated masochists).
And, yes, Leia "hair buns" we've seen are cute, but they are hot, bulky and possibly inciting factor of a life dedicated to collecting the goods cabinets and attend fan conventions.

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