His family was by his side at the time of his death, according to a statement. No further details, including a cause, they were given.
The son of famed actor and screenwriter Charles MacArthur stage legend Helen Hayes played Detective Dan Williams in the original television series from 1970 for 11 seasons. He also made several films, including Disney's "Swiss Family Robinson" and "The Battle of the Bulge."
Peter Lenkov, executive producer of the new "Hawaii Five-O" remake, sent regards to the MacArthur family. "We lost a special part of our heritage today," Lenkov said in a statement to EW.com. "James Talent and memorable role helped bring this series to life and support for our new version meant the world to us."
Lenkov continued, 'em' Book ', Danno "will always be a testament to an actor and the character will be missed. The thoughts and prayers of all present to "Hawaii Five-0" are with his family, his friends and his many fans, many around the world. "
His wife of 25 years, Helen Beth Duntz, survives MacArthur, as well as four children and seven grandchildren.

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