We have the full story below. An unnamed friend of ours in the Washington Post says that the press is not telling the whole story behind it. Cover? Maybe. Let's review the facts we know so far. As mentioned in our daily syndicated television series, EPPICard is all in the mind of people at this time. Why? That is why, ungrateful bastard - Topics Latest news and trends such as the mystery surrounding EPPICard.
The hot topic of the day? EPPICard, of course! More news as it develops. Were you looking for information on EPPICard? Well, you're not alone, because everyone else is looking too. This is some crazy stuff. Uncensored video posted below. This reminds me of the time when Britney Spears jumped over the Grand Canyon on a motorcycle. This video is weird. Well, if 600 523 people have viewed on YouTube over the past two hours, you know it's real. EPPICard rules!

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