Several club members went to look for preferred, while Jax seemed to be (understandably) off the deep end. He cut things out with Tara, who grew angry and broke the nursery. We then see them have a heart to heart at the end of the episode.
This season will be full of twists and turns. The show is taking a big risk to take men on a wild goosehunt across the ocean. Taking the show of charm may be a mark-or-break moment.
There was a cliffhanger ending last night, as SAMCRO witnessed a shooting. A crew member who passed it fell off the truck, and Jax hit his head on the pavement. Who were the shooters, and what they have against SAMCRO?
If Sons of Anarchy season 3 episode 1 is an indication that the rest of the season, we're in luck. This will be action and excitement. I just hope the crew is able to find important, and bring it back to Jax.

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