Thursday, March 27, 2025

Friday, September 24, 2010

Melina Kanakaredes Left Csi

Gary Sinise returns as Detective Mac Taylor in the season premiere this Friday of "CSI. New York 'There are some changes for the upcoming season: not only a new space of time, but long-time star Melina Kanakaredes is out, replaced by Sela Ward. PopEater stars Gary Sinise spoke about the changes to expect for next season, what goes through your head when listening to The Who, which is to be mentioned by Ari Gold on "Entourage" and believes that new brands in an attempt compete with sunglasses Caruso.
'CSI: New York has a great cast member changes this year. Melina Kanakaredes left the show, and Sela Ward is his replacement. In a character-driven program, it can really hurt.Well, the franchise is strong. The formula is extremely strong in our program. People loved Melina in the program, and I think you'll love Sela. Going to be a very smooth transition. I watched the first episode, and although different, is very, very good. Sela enters the show as if she has been doing for a long time.
How often do you actually shoot in New York? I've run into a session here and there but not anywhere near the amount of times I've seen "Law & Order 'was filmed - it's almost impossible to avoid.We only come once a year. We used to come twice a year, but then began to cut the budget down, so now we find ourselves once a year. We love coming to New York and shot there. I wish we could do more, but have their headquarters here in Los Angeles and is expensive to come.
Ever jealous of David Caruso in "CSI: Miami 'because it has the sunglasses all the antics and want to try some of your own? Was thinking right before you go to the opening titles, you could say its line and then spit gum, or something ...[Laughs] Yeah, I could eat a lollipop like Telly Savalas. Look, he did that one thing and God bless. He became an Internet sensation. No, I'm not jealous of him or anything. We have a good show up, and people seem to enjoy the characters in our program. Who knows? If your program remains in the air long enough, there could be something funny I think.

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