In announcing the decision not to air the clip, which was leaked to YouTube, producers of Sesame Street tightrope exposed filaments, they are on foot while trying to stay relevant, while remaining a program for younger children.
Sesame Street has always been written on two levels, for children and adults, "the show in a statement. "We use skits and celebrity segments for adults interested in the program because we know that children learn best when they co-viewing with a parent or caregiver."
That is, the less likely that television became a big blue flash nanny if parents can be attracted to see. Can discuss this with your children - help them understand what the hell Elmo is saying or trying to determine the root cause of Oscar the Grouch poor housing.
However, to be willing to do this, parents and caregivers have to believe in the possibility that Sesame Street may have something for them, so it's important to surprise the audience from time to time. Also, let's face it, the casting of non-at-all-PG Perry is also a trick - the spectators the dissonance of the couple attracted the attention of the media and therefore.
One of the problems faced by parents with TV viewing is that older children reject anything they perceive as childish. So more flexible young children tend to end up seeing what they want to see their older siblings. Children who have gone from Elmo might be tempted to hang around Sesame Street a little more if there is another chance to see Katy Perry, who, despite (or, well, because of) its extremely sexualized character, is a firm favorite.

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