The allegations that grades were altered so that Bledsoe may be eligible to play at Kentucky was earlier this year. The Birmingham, Alabama, the Board of Education ordered an independent investigation, released on Friday.
Researchers at a law firm concluded that the degree of Bledsoe in an algebra class III was changed from a "C" to "A", for no apparent reason. But that degree is not going to change once more as a result of the investigation.
The Birmingham News reports, after a three-month investigation by an outside law firm hired by the Board, the report concluded Bledsoe Algebra grades III of the first and second terms in 2008-09 have been changed to Webster, who admitted making changes, according to the report. The report says Bledsoe completed Webster explained that "the makeup and extra work" that justifies the grade changes.
"I do not credit this explanation," the report said. "We note that the teacher has changed (Bledsoe) degrees with a lot more often than any other student in his class."

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