The center of the celebrations will, of course, the grand parade along the Paseo de la Reforma and get to the Zocalo Square in Mexico City. About 7,000 people will participate in this parade will feature 27 floats alluding to the history of Mexico, while several shows.
This impressive exhibition was organized to celebrate the Independence of Mexico 2010, which will be televised, will be the preamble to the traditional "Grito de la Independencia" in the words of President Felipe Calderon, shortly before midnight, an act that recalls the beginning of the insurrection against Spain, announced in 1810 by the bells of the church of Father Miguel Hidalgo.
Many believe that this conclusion however, as spectacular as controversial. Not only the bill for the party, more than 45 million dollars for this event will last about eight hours and $ 250 million in projects, public works and acts related to the Bicentennial, but by the long list of unsolved problems, the head including the floods in the east.
Far from the celebrations, residents are experiencing a Bicentennial Tlacotalpan underwater. For several weeks, this colonial town and World Heritage are victims of severe floods.
In almost every corner of the state of Veracruz is not much mood to celebrate. More than a third of the state was flooded and local officials said there are 500,000 affected.
The country's major cities have been adorned with ribbons and lights in the colors of the Mexican flag, and announced major concerts and fireworks in nearly 2,000 locations simultaneously. In cities where we celebrate the bicentennial of the Independence of Mexico, you will forget the problems they currently face. But only a few hours.

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