The PT Bajaj Auto Indonesia has issued bike Pulsar 135 LS at affordable prices. The Pulsar 135 LS has a ratio of 1:60 (1 liter: 60 km), the speed of 00-60 kilometers per hour is 51 seconds. Pulsar 135 LS is135cc light sports bike.
The Pulsar 135 has 4 LS engine valves, the DTS-i engine that offer 13.5PS power at 9,000 rpm and maximum output torque at 7500rpm 11.4Nm up. All new Bajaj Pulsar is the first participant in the automaker to enter the sports car segment light. " Bajaj Pulsar 135 latter LS is well designed with best auto accessories and the features taking into account the age group between 18 to 30.
Main Branch Chief Dealer Palembang to Srip PT Bajaj, Wiwid Jaya said, "Because the Pulsar 135 bike LS are powered, fast and efficient."
According to one of the Pulsar motorcycle users, who bought this bike for two months (July) to 15.2 million. He uses the engine Pulsar LS 135 for the distance traveled, Prabumulih-Palembang and Palembang "Moreover, Muaraenim each day with a distance of 100 km. He said, "Pulsar motor LS 135 has proved to be too engrossed iritnya brought touring or long trips, even a hole in the street is very bad because shocknya soft."

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