In a recent debate that the governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer made with the opposition Democrat Terry Goddard on live television, the pressure that the feds have been practicing sample. Appearing uncomfortable and tired from the effort of the defense of their state of the ongoing vicious attacks by the federal government on the issue of illegal immigration, the debate took a sharp turn.
In a move that surely will delight liberals while carrying out their constant assault to Arizona with the boycott and frivolous litigation, Governor Jan Brewer began the debate with some positive statements about what his administration had been able to achieve, but obviously under pressure. His statements to balance the state budget, preparing the implementation process of the law, and all those who passed SB1070 were correct. 600 days in the legislature has done much to improve the functioning of the state, but also said his Democratic opponent, Terry Goddard supports unions were currently boycotting the state. She was obviously upset with the boycott of his state by entities such as Los Angeles, in Boulder, Colorado, and local trade unions, among many others, who are pushing to Arizona to change what most citizens state support.
Showing the strain of recent months and what the price of courage in his convictions and the protection of the interests of its people have taken it, Governor Jan Brewer was obviously distressed and weakened. She ended abruptly in the middle of the press interview that the hammering of the reporters and his Democratic opponent, Terry Goddard.
Now it has become clear that the Obama administration has been attacking the education systems of Arizona as well. In trying to prosecute Sheriff Joe Arpaio and state institutions, and to simply do their job that the feds have revealed its strategy as part of their intimidation pressing. All states must look forward to this event to take note of how U.S. Attorney, Eric Holder, and his assault team to the most innocent and defending the constitutional right and holding accountable the federal government in its role of protecting our state borders. Again and again our own government is harassing those who are simply pursuing their legitimate rights and enforce the law of the land.
On offense is now the Arizona Junior College System for allegedly creating a load of paper work higher for non-citizens applicants claim that this constitutes a form of discrimination. The fact that illegal immigrants have a bit more paperwork to fill out, has become a cause for the Justice Department of dollars to spend even more tax payer to attack one of our own states of the union. I really do not know how much more crazy behavior of our elected officials and judicial system can be! It is clear that ideology and twisted programs are much more important for Obama, then the rights of U.S. citizens.
As most trusted sheriff of Arizona, Joe Arpaio, is threatened with arrest by federal authorities, Democrat Terry Goddard Jan Brewer denounced the governor to say that the murders of the drug cartel consisting of beheadings were fictitious and were giving the people the wrong impression about Arizona as a dangerous place. This, said Goddard, was why the economy is being affected by scaring the tourism industry and potential residents with incorrect information for violent and criminal activity. Hmm, am I missing something here or not seeing the emergence of mounting drug-related violence in recent years?
Amazing, when on the one hand, the federal government not only refuses to help keep their borders to the point that must take matters into their own hands and a bill that is almost a mirror image of federal law, only the intention to enforce his, and yet you are legally attacked for it. The drug cartels have been running rival drug gangs for beheading, shooting, and torturing the Mexicans, and in some cases U.S. citizens and even law enforcement officials. However, Democrat, Terry Goddard continues to use the same tactics as the Obama administration to deny that there is a problem, and attacking anyone who confirms that the problem really exists.
To make matters worse we have a federal government that is carrying out a de facto amnesty that is not compatible with the vast majority of voters, through the release of prisoners jailed again in the general population. This is a potentially dangerous movement end up harming innocent U.S. citizens since many of these illegal immigrants are criminals or drug traffickers. By refusing to respect the law, Obama's minions are now leads to anarchy and public exposure from state to more threats, emboldening illegal aliens to the idea of violating our borders without threat of prosecution or consequence. With the federal threat of movie nights, dance classes, drink or several stations for illegal aliens know that we are serious, I think we can expect much more from your breach of our borders and bring crime with them to provide medical and multilingual education.
Am I living a waking nightmare, or are we doing this? Is the federal government really expecting people to take this passively without anger or defiance? People, how much more you will take when his own government refuses to protect? Vote in November! How long will it take for the feds appear in your neighborhood, county or state, and start using the same tactics that you see at work in Arizona?

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