The CEO of Apple, Jobs also revealed that the new iPod Touch is even thinner than its predecessor that has become the No. 1 player in the world game practice. The new device, which has an exposure of the retina front facing camera, rear camera for "HD" recording and editing functions, is expected next week at a price of $ 229 for the 8GB, $ 299 for the 32 GB and $ 399 for the 64GB.
The event was held Ping in the preface to the presentation of the second generation of Apple TV Jobs. Apple TV comes a much needed revision. The finest features of the latest Apple TV. A quarter of the original size, can be used in the palm of the hand, has built-in Wi-Fi, a striking distance of aluminum and the largest library of movies to rent from free world trade. The price of the original Apple TV was $ 299, now priced at $ 99.
Jobs said a more recent design for every single model and that the latest iPod is less than the 2nd generation one. The latest iPod features that the buttons are easy to use so the user does not have to look down into the narrative of products and a playlist, with a clip to use instantly. And the price of the last 2 GB Shuffle is $ 49 for $ 179 for the 16GB and priced at $ 149 for the 8GB.
Jobs went on to say that Apple has crossed the threshold of 12 billion songs downloaded from iTunes and there will be a logo for the latest version of iTunes later principal, where a CD is no longer present projections bright iTunes outsold CDs in the U.S. by next spring.
The conference attendees react to loud applause Jobs's announcement of 120 million devices shipped IOS of more than 275 million iPods sold, and more than 250,000 applications are now available of which 25,000 are IPAD Apps. Jobs also announced that the IOS 4.1 will be available next week through a free download from iTunes.

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