Big Brother 12 episode 19 aired Aug. 19, and evicted invited to someone new.
Big Brother 12 episode 19 eviction was a surprise to most of the guests, because the game at night, thought it would be either Matt Lane or go home. Those were the two candidates HOH Brendon had up on the block, but anyone who is not aware that Matt was in his hand the power to veto the diamond. That power must deny himself and take the block, and choose which candidate to put up in place. During the eviction ceremony, Matt stood up to deliver a speech, after going Brendon, and basically saying it was a good attempt at trying to evict Matt.
Matt then used the veto power of the diamond to be taken down, and presenting themselves as the candidate Kathy again. That meant that the guests had to decide whether to vote for or Kathy lane for eviction, and was almost certainly going to vote for Kathy now. That's exactly what happened, and the vote was unanimous to evict Kathy as the sixth person to leave the Big Brother house. It almost seemed resigned to his fate, and maybe after 48 days in the house, which was waiting to go home. That is a long time for someone to be away from his family, and he probably easier than she did not need the stress of being on the block all week. It is also possible he was just in shock, and really do not know how to react to what had just taken place.
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