Sunday, March 23, 2025

Monday, August 30, 2010

Teresa Giudice Nephew

In general, Danielle Staub Bravo token is sociopath, but yesterday morning in Part 1 of the Real Housewives of New Jersey meeting, she remained calm and quiet - almost as mysteriously. And, in contrast, was Teresa Giudice, who was aboard the crazy train.

A few minutes - minutes! - In the episode, Danielle Teresa tried a blow out-of-left-field low: When asked if she liked the Jersey Shore, (anyone else excited about this question?) Teresa replied that he did not like because it was too promiscuous, but thought Danielle might be related to the show for that very reason. Teresa then release an avalanche of insults directed at Danielle - which, as you can see, it becomes a pattern throughout the episode - crying

You're a pig. Look at yourself. You're disgusting. And you're desperate.


Later, Danielle Teresa asks her if she "recognized his nephew" - that is extremely confusing as they were originally talking about new baby Jacqueline de Laurita, but Jacqueline and Teresa are not related by blood. So Danielle referring to another baby? Some fans are speculating that the series is a love child, however, has offered no evidence at this time.

One thing is certain: this course is not recognized nephew was enough to send it to Teresa in a no-holds-forbidden screaming rant. Remember in the previews for the meeting when Teresa gets all Danielle's face and demons yell "Do not raise my family!" on top of their lungs? Yes, that's all. And let's say you literally have never heard bad words in both a television program on basic cable.

Teresa is so out of control that she pulls down the host Andy Cohen (who is trying to stop her), and Danielle persecution around the sofa cushions on the road pitching. Only Caroline Manzo and can calm a commercial break. And when he returns, Andy tells Teresa that she has to stay on the couch for the rest of the show ...

... She works until the end of Part 1 when Andy asked about the two sex tapes Danielle. Danielle claiming to be from long ago and released without his knowledge, the other women did say that recently, on purpose. All kind of boring and speculative until Teresa, who has been quietly stewing on his couch, he yells:

His sons are 16 and 12. What kind of example are you setting for your children? ... Shit, I'm not talking about you! I'm doing now because we're in a damn TV ... You skanky whore.


Teresa obviously under great personal stress: She and her husband have filed for bankruptcy, rumors are your dream house is in foreclosure, her husband recently got a DWI, and she's doing it crashed in the press for their material costs , frivolous. It is understandable that she would be on the brink of collapse at this point, however, I was more than a little surprised by his performance limits of reason.
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