The Parsis worship Ahura Mazda, symbolized by fire. The Parsees in this day, the promise to live with good thoughts, good words and use to realize the right word is derived pateti actions.The Pazend pathos, meaning "repent."
The President of India, Smt Pratibha Patil and greeted the nation on the occasion "happy" of Navroz, the Parsi Year.Pateti beginning of the New is the Parsee New Year's Day. The last day of Pateti fallen into the first day of New Year. The importance of Pateti is that it is the day to dwell on the mistakes or sins one may have committed the previous year, and forgiveness of them.
Our Indians public and we wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year Pateti Parsi! This word derives from the word Pathetic. It is a Persian word meaning half the guilt. Therefore, we can also say it means "of thinking and introspection and action words in order to lament the bad and try to become a better person.
Thus this way the New Year starts on a positive note. In accordance to the Gregorian calendar this festival is in August this year. As the calendar does not follow Shenshai leap year so this festival was reached a month next year may be July. In celebration of this festival, people decorated their houses in traditional styles, make food and fragrances spread.
Especially the front door of the house is nicely decorated in this festival. People often make a pitch and with the help of red dust in the eyes of marked fish. Agarbatis are on. These are specially designed fragrance sticks.
The flowers are also used for this purpose. People send gifts to their loved ones. These gifts are new clothes and greeting cards of this festival are present. After using new clothes visiting temples in the morning ad offer their prayers. The children are very excited at this festival because it has a lot of things to do in this festival.

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