"Muslims have the right to practice their religion, as no one else in this country," Obama told a crowd of White House dinner celebrating the Muslim holy month of Ramadan on Friday.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who defended the 13-storey, $ 100 million Islamic center, said that Obama's remarks reminded him of George Washington.
"Two hundred and twenty years ago this week, the father of our country wrote his famous letter to the Jewish community of Newport, Rhode Island, or, as he called them," Children of Abraham Foundation. words of President Obama today called his own reminder of President Washington in August that "all have, so freedom," said Bloomberg.
But Bloomberg did not speak for all New Yorkers.
Rick A. Lazio, the Republican candidate for governor, and former member of the House of Representatives issued a statement Friday evening that the president still did not listen to New York, "The New York Times reported.
"More than 100 mosques in New York, it's not a question of religion, but one of the safety and security," he said.

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