Friday, July 23, 2010

Who Are Winnebago Man

Who Are Winnebago Man:It heats up the summer in Iowa, very hot. It's even worse when there is no wind or shade, and the crew of sullen production does not like you even more than you do not like them. So you two weeks to put with all that, at the same time to get to and from the RV, trying to sing the praises of him on camera, and. . . Well, who would not go a little nuts?

That's what made Jack Rebney, in any case, back in 1988 - on camera no less. It was a road rage on the hoof. It is the curse of a storm over failed to adopt after take-off during filming for industrial Winnebago.
The crew made sure the video cuts made it the headquarters of the company. Copies of the video began to circulate. And circulate. And circulate. Then came YouTube, in 2005, and Jack - an evil man Winnebago - was everywhere.

Everywhere including under the skin of Ben Steinbauer. Steinbauer, who guided and helped write the "Winnebago Man,''I kept thinking about Rebney. Who is this guy?" What is his back story, that he thought to go viral? "Was he still alive? Answers, we learn from the new documentary film in Steinbauer are:

1) a clever, if over-bearing, a man in his late 70's, who lives with a pit bull named Buddha;

2) a former director of television news (his voice, and arrogance of the many night radio program in the show);

3) not very much, to the extent that he gave it any thought at all;

4) yes (although you probably knew that one for now).

We do not correspond to real Rebney nearly a third way in the Winnebago people.''Prior to this Steinbauer explains how video became a sensation. He lives in his possession Rebney (Steinbauer even hires a detective to help track him down). He also briefly ponders the phenomenon of viral video. Lastly, the documentary settles into what it really is, the nature of the study.

In addition to his notoriety web-Rebney an interesting guy. He lived himself as a watchman in a cabin in northern California. (Imagine the Unabomber would have been like with his character!), But to swear like a drunken sailor - I feel like I've entered bills Winnebago man,''Steinbauer recognized his voice-over - Rebney also spouts polysyllabic words like drunken professor and looks like Alex Trebek about 3000 "Final Jeopardy''otvety on the road.

It is not as interesting as Steinbauer, it seems, he thinks, though. All swearing is becoming tiresome after a while - not least because it is so flat and reflective. White Richard Pryor Rebney is not so. There's no musicality of its obscenity. There was not even the real anger at him. This is a stick used by old disgruntled man waving at the world and keep it at a distance. The only real tension documentary, when Steinbauer has his first meeting with Rebney, whether the director is celebrating its more than its operation. There's pathos lies on the edges of the "Winnebago Man,''and has nothing to do with questions of glory, nor the power of the Internet and all that with age, and exclusion, none of them documentary seems able to understand.
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