Sunday, March 23, 2025

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A very potter sequel

Star of "Harry Potter" Daniel Radcliffe may be preparing for the upcoming role in the Broadway musical "How to succeed in business, but ...,' musical Potterverse all die, so it's not on the Great White Way, on the Internet:" It's Potter Sequel 'fan-made parody musical written, the production and the role of Team StarKid, troupe, University of Michigan students and alumni.

StarKid 20-something, most of whom met in the musical theater department of UM, was the Internet sensation last year when they uploaded their hilarious original production, "a Potter musical to YouTube for your friends and family to see. What did they think, reach, maybe a few hundred people in their extended social networks were literally millions of times date Harry Potter fans around the world.

By UM friends and colleagues of Harry Potter fans, Brian Holden, Matt and Nick Lang Lang (screenplay) and Darren Criss and AJ Homes (score), the musical, which has become a viral video of 2009, catapulted the young performers, especially those who played Harry (Darren Criss), Ron (Joey Richter), Hermione (Bonnie Gruesen) and Draco (Lauren Lopez Yes, Draco is a girl), the level of fandom, the star is only slightly lower than the actual film actors. Given the fan response, it is not surprising StarKid that the team regrouped and developed "Very Potter sequels.

In the last Harry Potter fan Infinitus conference in Orlando, thousands of fans spontaneously burst into renditions of original songs as "Goin 'Back to Hogwarts, and waited several hours to see more than a dozen members TeamStarkid present the first show' Very Continued Potter 'as it was held at the University of Michigan May. Now the rest of the world can watch 'AVPS too, but before you do, here's a quick primer.

1. This is a full-length musical, so if you have more than two hours to erect, it is better to watch it in pieces.

2. This is a parody of people, so naturally professor Dumbledore (Dylan Saunders) is a bright, Professor Umbridge (Joe Walker) is a muscly lad in resistance, and timing of all the liquid.

3. There, some R-rated language in the music, so that parents of young wannabe witches and wizards should be warned.

4. Potter purists should know that the script StarKid takes a lot of humorous freedoms. In this version of Hogwarts, for example, dragon (who plays a little beauty, Lopez) has a unrequited crush on Hermione, and is not toilet trained.

5. There are some jokes that work best if you are familiar with the original, but anyone with basic knowledge of the Harry Potter series, will continue to enjoy later.

Now, when you were initiated and aims, what you waiting for? Return to Hogwarts with "Very Potter Continuation ':
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