Monday, March 17, 2025

Friday, July 23, 2010

Danny Glover And Mel Gibson

Hi guys how are you,i tell you that I was not a fan of Mel Gibson after his movie "The Passion of the Christ." I was offended that a man so dedicated to re-create a realistic look at the crucifix still decided to move the white Europeans, as Jesus did not mention the Jews portrayed as an absolute evil in his film. Therefore, when he was busted for DUI in 2006 and recorded on the racist and sexist obscenities at the police, I was not surprised.

His recent fiasco of the media, but even more offensive to me, not because of the content of his words that are bad, but because of the particular set of celebrities who seem compelled to be an apologist for another goon racist Hollywood.

Over the last few weeks, Oksana Grigorieva, the Russian strangers Gibson baby mama model gave access to a variety of violence and racist phone calls, which she secretly recorded, as well as messages left for her byGibson in a dispute over custody. Tapes were feeding each magazine and gossip Web site and are constantly talk-show.

In addition to threatening to kill Oksana and admitted to hitting her several times, Gibson lets loose with a flow of racial slurs likes of which we never heard from him since ... Well, 2006, when he was caught before the use of racial and ethnic insults. Gibson calls his former "whore" and tells her that she should be "... raped a bunch of n ***** s "among the barrage of other threats. Of course, this rant is not surprising or shocking coming from Gibson, but some of those who came to his defense.

During one of their ubiquitous chat last week, "View". Whoopie Goldberg and co-host Joy Behar was a nice exchange about the behavior of both Gibson and Goldberg visits.

"I do not like what he did here. But I know Mel and I know that he is not racist," said Goldberg.

"Well, of course, the language sounds racist to me:" Beer counter.

"I can not sit back and say that he is a racist, spending time with him in my house with my children," Goldberg said. "I can not say.

Having a lot of criticism about his comments in the media critics and fans, Goldberg responded on the next day on the air.

"Being a black woman, you think you could give me some freedom to have some feel if I was about a racist.

Keep in mind, this is the same as Whoopie Goldberg, who in 1993 thought it would be funny to marry her white boyfriend, Ted Danson, on stage in blackface and say n **** r jokes during her roast Friars Club. The fact that she can not justify "Kramer-like" Right in front of misogyny and racism, because someone spent some lunch (and perhaps overnighters?) In her house is not surprising. Whoopie has so much authority to express the views of blacks in America, Bryant Gumble. But the question is not endless reminders of his disgust Goldberg and ignorance, but the fact that such nonsense can still be said by those who still considers himself knowledgeable about the race was disturbing.

Although the most prominent, Goldberg is not the sole protector of the two main Gibson incidents in recent years, but it shows the same opportunity to suggest that his behavior was merely "stupid" not "racist. As if those two adjectives can co-exist to describe someone's behavior.

Fortunately, others were more direct in his criticism of Gibson. Super Hollywood agent Ari Emanuel, the inspiration for the character Ari Gold on Entourage, and brother of Obama's consigliore Rahm Emanuel, Gibson dropped out of the profitable agency Endeavor, which was represented by his years on the basis of his anti-Semitic remarks. Apparently there are some in America, which is sufficient basis to withdraw from a tree and scream racism, it is, and do other countries face consequences for their actions and words.

The only people, we have not heard of another is Danny Glover. After almost 20 years and more "Lethal Weapon" movies Gibson, he got to have some idea of the nature of Gibson and behavior. Of course, maybe he had already seen enough to know, Gibson racist psycho, that he really is, and do not want to say anything publicly. Or, according to his character, Roger Murtaugh, he "Getting too old for this with ** t." Of course, when it comes to Gibson, and the apologists, like Goldberg, who does not need?
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